Online Media - Albany, New York, United States
The Knife Media is a digital news outlet that offers news without spin and rates other media outlets for their level of bias. Founded in 2014, the company gives its readers unaltered facts for top world and U.S. news stories, without the sensationalism and polarized opinions that are common in the news today. Its ratings and analysis system helps people evaluate the news they want to read based on a standard of objectivity.The Knife Media presents top news with just the facts, as well as full analyses of media coverage with ratings. The publication has recently put out groundbreaking pieces on key issues including Donald Trump's presidency, healthcare, immigration, technology and foreign affairs from Europe to Latin America.The company's mission is to make the news more objective and less biased, thereby changing the way the world communicates. In today's technologically advanced society, it is more important than ever to have standards for media and mass communication, as information can reach a global audience in seconds. You can follow us on Twitter at @theknifemedia Subscribe to our site at
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