Research - Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
As our country progressedtowards a national lockdown,Hospitals around the country werepreparing for a tremendous stresson their facilities. At this hour ofneed, a band of Entrepreneursfrom Fracktal Works (Vijay Raghav,Rohit Asil, Raghav Sridhar &Vasudev G), Ever Care (VaibhavHegde) and Starline Packers (AllenJacob) along with extremelyproactive volunteers, cametogether to form the ThePandemic Response Team(@thepandemicresponseteam).The Pandemic Response Team tookon the challenge of supplyingprotective equipment to frontlineworkers all over the country, toensure their safety from pathogens inthe environment. Our Volunteers,Akshata Ravi, Palitha Vasisht andShankul Varada ensure the smoothfunctioning of all the processes whileconstantly evolving the dynamics ofthe team.