Management Consulting - , ,
Something strange happens as a company grows. There are times when you increase revenue and cash goes down. As an owner you wonder what the heck is happening? This does not make sense! I call this "The Ceilings in business". It is like hitting your head and the pain is so great that you can not sleep at night. John Maxwell calls this "Plateau's in business". To get to the next floor there are operational changes that need to happen. Learn where your company is being held back, what needs to change to get past this celining. Financials tell a story. We use your financials, confirm the story and help you change the current direction of the story to the story you want it to be. In this 2 day seminar we document the changes with deadlines Develop Key Performance Indicators. Input your numbers timely against the KPI's. Most leaders feel alone. The system shows us Actual VS Planned KPI's for performance pop-up's showing successes and failures timely to proactively contact you. This helps you to feel emplowered with solutions for bottom line growth, not alone. Once we fix the bottom line then we grow the top line.Managing products is fairly easy compaired to managing people and holding them accountable for performance. You do not need to be the bad guy anymore. The system is designed for labor motivation, productivity and employee growth in the system. Service oriented companies with higher labor costs experience the largest profit enhancement using the system.
Microsoft Office 365
Amazon AWS