Alternative Medicine - , , Luxembourg
Stop smoking the smart way with The Red Energy:This modern technology is based on the practice of acupuncture, but using the soft laser instead of needles, targeting the same points and working only on the ears. It is pain free and can be done in only one treatment.Treat yourself to a better and healthier lifestyle.The laser works by stimulating key meridian points so that your body begins producing endorphins naturally again and you begin to feel better. Unlike the stimulation of endorphins in the brain by nicotine, which lasts less than twenty minutes, laser stimulation triggers endorphin production in such a way that you feel the beneficial effects for up to several days. The result is that you are spared the worst of withdrawal, discomfort and the cravings that go with it. Most people feel terrific after only one laser treatment. Since your body isn't being ravaged by stressful mood swings and miserable withdrawal symptoms, your physical cravings for a cigarette are greatly reduced, and it will be easier for you to stay committed to your desire to be free at last and finally be a non-smoker