Religious Institutions - Costa Mesa, California, United States
OUR VISION/We are a real church for real people. Our vision is R.E.A.L. - Reaching, Equipping, Aligning, and Legacy.REACHINGAs a church body, we have been called to reach the lost, the hurting, the broken - the very same people that Jesus came to seek and to save. Reaching people, spreading the gospel, and making disciples is and always will be our number one priority.EQUIPPINGWe believe that, in order to live a victorious Christian life, it is essential that we are equipped to run the race and finish well. We are a church that casts vision in order to raise up leaders for future generations. We provide classes and workshops to equip people with tools, knowledge, and wisdom to effectively share the Gospel and reach the lost.ALIGNINGBuilding relationships within our church is vital. Connecting with other believers in doing the work of the ministry is essential to create a sense of community. We desire people to connect together as a family.LEGACYWe are a multigenerational church. We want the work that God has done through us to continue. It is our duty to pass on our revelation of God to future generations, to pass the baton to the next group of leaders in a way that will position them to advance the kingdom further than we could ever have imagined. Our goal is to plant churches in major cities throughout the world.