Education Management - Vaassen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Strategic Manifesto to Improve Results of Innovation and Transformation.Why this Manifesto?This is not about power, prestige, money or political interests. This is an independent, public and free Manifesto. This Manifesto can lead a constructive debate about how to improve results of innovation and transformation in your organization, with people who are responsible for the strategic part of it.Why now?The world is in transition. Old economic systems were founded on emerging markets and seemingly unlimited grow. As we now have experienced grow is limited and the system is broken. The only way to create new values and welfare is to innovate better and faster.Why 10 SMIRITS?There probably are a 1.000 items to improve results of innovation and transformation. If you work on a thousand things at once, actually result remains probably out. So let's focus on the top-10. It's likely that your organization can improve tremendous results with at least three bullits. And that six bullits also contribute significantly. That can bring your organization in the right direction.That's why….Read the 10 SMIRITS and if you agree: Sign it!- See more at: