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The Success Books are a series of books based on Real People, who have achieved Real Results, and who want to share their amazing stories to provide Real Inspiration. What is our Mission? To Empower, Inspire, Educate and Support people to believe in themselves and achieve their desired Success. What are our Values? Integrity, honesty, trust, quality, Improvement, life balance, courage What does Success mean to us? To be successful is to overcome life's challenges and achieve your desired goals no matter how big or small they are. Success is achieved on a daily basis by people from all walks of life. Success is Giving Birth Success is raising children Success is overcoming disease Success is doing what you love Success is having meaning in your life Success is helping others Why are we doing this? We believe that in today's society people are constantly and subconsciously being brought down. By their partners, bosses, friends, family, social media and media. We want to do our part to change this and make a difference. Every person has the ability to do something great. We believe by sharing stories of Real people that anyone can relate to, it will Inspire others to believe in themselves and find their own great ability within them.