Market Research - Portland, Oregon, United States
For 30+ years the TabLab has provided specialized crosstabulation for market research companies, municipalities, ad agencies, political groups and other consultants. Since 1986 we've worked for and with clients in a variety of industries. Healthcare - Kaiser, Blue Shield, Blue Cross, Providence Hospital, Optum Health, Mason General Transportation - TriMet, BART, Caltrain, Samtrans, Pierce Transit, Metro Retail - REI, Levi's, Del Monte, Safeway, Amazon, Microsoft Financial - Wells Fargo, Bank of the West, Hibernia Bank, Merchant's Bank, United Bank of California Utilities - Northwest Natural, Pacific Gas and Electric, Georgia Power, Puget Sound Energy Politics - Congressional races for both Democratic and Republican candidates, many ballot measures Additional services include - questionnaire design, analysis, statistics, charts Our associates can handle - interviewing, coding, data entry Output in Word, Excel, PDF of SPSS View Software includes Wincross, SPSS, Uncle, Excel, Corel Draw