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The Vinyl Suns emerged inAthens, GA in August, 2015.Though considered a Blues Rockband, they dabble in Soul,Southern Rock, Funk, Latin, andProgressive Rock. When on stage,The Vinyl Suns let loose all theirtroubles to communicate throughtheir music and invite theaudience to join their story.The members of The Vinyl Sunshave deep musical connectionswith one another. This allowseach member of the band toconstantly experiment with theircreative process. Because of this,no song is ever played the sameway twice.To The Vinyl Suns, the goal ofmusic has always been to recreateand relive memories in a way thatallows them to be shared withothers. This goal helps prolong thelife of a song by making it a living,breathing work.More than a year after theybegan, The Vinyl Suns headed toAthens' Chase Park Transductionswhere they recorded and mixedthe record. On October 1st, 2016,The Vinyl Suns released their firstrecord after taking a year tocompile the nine-song EP, Rise N'Shine. Rise N' Shine features someof the classic hits that the bandhas been all over Athens andAtlanta.Recommended if you like:Led Zeppelin, The Black Keys, TheAllman Brothers Band, Jet, TheMarcus King Band, John MayerTrio, The Rolling Stones.
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