Photography - N/A, N/A, N/A
With 42 countries visited and 4 lived at, traveling and culture exposure have always influenced my photography work.Working as a consultant, trainer and life-coach; photography adds a sense of balance to my life. Being in the business of MAKING PEOPLE FEEL GOOD is a bless, whether by making them look good, or simply by allowing them to be the headline of a story, or speak their fantasies out in a photo shoot... Everyone is beautiful, in their own way .And everything is precious, if we have the right vision .Our operation consists of myself, and other fellow photographers, specialized in all sorts of photography:ServicesCommercial photography: Product shooting, celebrities, Landscaping and interiorsArtistic Photography Stand-alone pieces, or a set of photographs for decorative purposes. Graphically designed images, Wedding & Events Photography Photography Courses Principles of Photography Course Advanced Photography Course Specialized Courses & Seminars