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The Washington Outsider offers readers solution-driven analysis and thought-provoking commentary visit. More often than not, the world focuses far too heavily on what Washington is doing and saying. As a result, average Americans, as well as citizens of other Nations, are generally locked out of the political arena. With exception to Election Day and a few town hall style meetings, powerful small groups of political leaders, analysts, and commentators decide what questions are asked, how they are answered, and what policies are developed based on those questions. Because our world is growing ever more interconnected, People need to be involved while society must balance the many short-term, long-term, and broad interests of the world's population. We live in a highly dynamic global community where a failure to pursue your own interests and the interests of your community will eventually lead to devastation for both you and your community. In turn, this type of social decay undermines the fabric of our entire society. Today, we see an ever-increasing number of crises caused by a failure of our social leaders to balance the interests of the many. Consequently, the Peoples of the world need tools that will allow them to recognize and address their own interests. This is why the Washington Outsider is dedicated to independent political analysis and truly open discussion on public policies, the news, and social issues. Don't Forget! The Washington Outsider Editors' page is updated for every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Be sure to sign up for updates through our mailing list (found below), our social media profiles (found in the header), or add The Washington Outsider RSS Feed to your blog or website by visiting our blog page. - See more at: http://www.washingtonoutsider.org/#sthash.yc3Y8hFE.dpuf
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