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The Yellow Sparrow comprises a motley crew of young artists, writers, photographers and graphic designers based in India. We believe creativity swivels around us in the most surrealistic ways, and our sole ambition is to capture and foster that plethora of talent and creativity.Through our interactions and interviews worldwide, which we publish on our website www.theyellowsparrow.com, we line up inspiration for you, urging you to take the leap and unleash your creative self out into the universe. Our exclusive stories cover the lives of entrepreneurs, artists, writers, poets, bloggers, restauranteurs, musicians, photographers, designers, dancers and other professionals with artistically unique ventures.We also hold initiatives and curate sublime artwork to provide refreshing and invigorating stimulations to your mind.We are your answer, if you want fun, brilliance and sunshine!If you have an idea up your sleeve, or wish to be featured on our magazine, just holler! chirp@theyellowsparrow.in