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theDiscust is a news/politics satire/parody web publication.The "news" on this site is not entirely real. If there is, in fact, actual news on this site, then it is likely marked as such, just so you can tell the difference. This site is news parody, but if you had to actually come to this page to figure that out then you might not catch that particular nuance even as it's being explained to you so maybe you should just move along.Actual people parodied/mocked on theDiscust are public figures (or dead) and therefore eligible for such treatment. Any resemblance in name or otherwise to any non-public/non-dead figure within the editorial content of this site is purely coincidental, unintentional, or you told us it would be ok. No public servants were harmed in the writing of this publication — that happened long before we came along.theDiscust is for entertainment purposes only. Please do not source theDiscust in your news reports or thesis papers as you will likely regret it — though if you do, please send us a copy.
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