E-learning - , ,
theInterna helps businesses throughout Italy find exceptional students from the UK who are looking to complete internships in Italy for their Erasmus year abroad.We work with businesses, students and universities throughout the whole process delivering value through: efficient processes, advising on documentation, screening, scouting and developing deep relationships so that we are a trusted advisor to all 3 parties which make up our immediate ecosystem.Our goal is two fold:For companies - to connect them with outstanding talent for internships which will help develop a multicultural team, help the company's internationalisation and develop strong cross-border networks.For Universities & Students - ensure the Year Abroad is as 'problem-free' and as enjoyable as possible. By gaining experience from worthwhile internships their profiles are strongly enhanced and this can help significantly when applying for full time roles post-university. The Modern Languages degree and Year Abroad offers incredible opportunities to all participants and we help to ensure that every party involved sees and benefits from the opportunities available.
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