Architecture Firm/Engineering Firm - Union City, NJ, US
After much thought of changing our company name to a better fitting and more notable company name, we have come up with Themendous! Call us today 201-223-5125What is Themendous? Well, it is a mash up of exactly what we do: TREMENDOUS THEMING. And since I find myself always using the word "tremendous" to describe the tremendous sculptures and theming we build (see what I mean?), I thought it was a fitting name to change over to from Custom Creations. The reason for this upcoming change: when the company was first started, I thought Custom Creations was an original name, and for the most part it was. The internet was just beginning to crawl, and searching for us was easy. Today, with the internet at full speed, "Custom Creations" is definitely not an original name. All one has to do is google the name and they will find literally thousands of listings with that title. Thinking back, I wish I would have TM'd the name, would be rich just off of Revlon's "Custom Creations". So, in an effort to no longer be "the best kept secret in the industry", a term we tried using to help explain WHY we were so difficult to find on the internet, we are chaning our company name. The Official announcement will be made at our yearly IAAPA show this coming November in Orlando FL., by way of our booth design!
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