Electrical/electronic Manufacturing - Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Thorlabs, Inc. is a broad based photonics technologies company. Founded in 1989, Thorlabs' product offerings now exceed 20,000 items. An international company with approximately 1100 employees, Thorlabs has manufacturing and sales offices in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Sweden, Japan, and China. Its product portfolio covers an extensive array of products ranging from simple optical and mechanical components to integrated test and measurement systems. As photonic devices push into new markets, Thorlabs' plan is to enter early with support equipment and services that are required to ensure the ultimate success of our customers.We are looking forward to grow with you. If you are interested in any positions in Thorlabs, please do not hesitate to forward your latest resume to china-hr@thorlab.som 索雷博公司成立于1989年,我们的分支机构遍布全球9个国家,在美国、英国、德国、法国、瑞典、日本和中国拥有制造工厂和销售中心,员工总人数达到1100多人。公司产品多达20000多种,从简单的光学元器件、机械器材、到精密的成套检测和测量系统,我们的产品包罗万象,应有尽有。作为光电子行业新兴市场的开拓者,索雷博一直走在研发创新的前沿,凭借先进的设备和客户至上的服务理念,为客户的成功之路添砖加瓦、保驾护航。因业务发展需要,特邀有识之士加盟,与您共创美好未来。简历投递邮箱:china-hr@thorlabs.com