Government Administration - San Diego, California, United States
Statement of PurposeWe are first, and foremost, students; therefore it is our responsibility not only to make Thurgood Marshall College Student Council (herein referred to as TMCSC) accessible to student ideas, but also actively pursue the fulfillment of student demands. We accomplish this through: - Representation: by bolstering students needs and wants through our actions. - Awareness: by fulfilling the Thurgood Marshall College (herein referred to as TMC) philosophy through education, motivation, and empowerment of the students in the campus and community. - Programming: by providing cultural, educational, and social events for the students. - Community: by providing council as an arena in which all other TMC organizations may come together to address issues pertinent to the TMC community and the greater UCSD community.- Accessibility: by providing adequate outreach to all constituents to increase student participation and awareness. TMCSC is the representative voice of the TMC student body and is responsible for: 1. Expressing student opinion of college, campus, and community issues in the name of its constituents. TMCSC refers back to its constituents to seek out student interests, concerns, and opinions. 2. Advising the Provost and the Deans of TMC on matters of policy concerning TMC. 3. Working in conjunction with all student boards and all organizations of TMC.4. Coordinating all TMCSC representatives to all student boards and all organizations of UCSD.