Information Technology & Services - Beijing, Beijing Shi, China is revolutionizing internal corporate communications by bringing together all of a company's employees inside a private and secure enterprise social network. Although tita is as easy to use as consumer products like Facebook or Twitter, its enterprise-grade software built from the ground up to drive business objectives. tita enables users to communicate, collaborate, and share more easily and efficiently than ever before. tita reduces the need for meetings, increases communication across silos, surfaces pockets of expertise and connects remote workers. Anyone in a company can start their tita network and begin inviting colleagues. The privacy of each network is ensured by limiting access to those with a valid company email address. The tita service is free. Companies can pay to claim and administer their 是企业内部社交平台,可以让工作任务一目了然,让任务协作可见可控,让同事沟通开放便捷。如果您所在的企业:不只一个办公区域(或分公司);年轻人相对较多;拥有开放的企业文化(或正努力变得开放);需要更好的知识管理;处于创业期或变革期。欢迎使用tita!
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