Tjn Construction Group

Construction Services - Merrylands, N/A, AU

Tjn Construction Group Details

TJN Construction Group is a family owned and operated construction business, with the directors having a combined 30 years' experience in the Industry.WHAT ARE WE ABOUTTJN Construction has maintained its tightknit and performance-oriented culture from our humble beginnings as renovation specialists and through the growth of the constantly evolving construction industry.Beginning as a two-man operation, we have seen great success and growth by providing a straight-forward, no corner-cutting approach to our projects. As we have grown, we have come to take great pride in our work and with the necessary back-office staff to ensure constant and adequate support, we are confident in providing the best possible outcome for our clients. We are currently operating with a specialised front and back-of-house team, and have a plethora of channels to acquire a larger workforce if necessary.With a specialist team and decades of cumulative experience, TJN Construction can help our clients with anything they need when it comes to construction and renovation. Having consistently managed a high turnover residential portfolio, to dealing with large multi-national corporations in the past, we are looking to provide our services to all projects of all sizes; and looking to specifically scale into the Government and Council tender

Tjn Construction Group logo, Tjn Construction Group contact details
Employees: 20 - 49
Location: Merrylands, N/A, AU
Revenue: Not Available
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Looking for contact information for Tjn Construction Group? ConnectPlex is your one-stop solution! Our extensive database of company information includes contact details for key personnel at Tjn Construction Group, making it easy for you to get in touch with the right people. Whether you're looking to collaborate on a project, discuss a business opportunity, or simply get more information about their services, ConnectPlex can help you connect with the people who matter. Our platform is designed to provide you with accurate and up-to-date contact information for companies of all sizes, including Tjn Construction Group. With our easy-to-use interface and powerful search tools, you can quickly and easily find the contact information you need to take your business to the next level. So why wait? Sign up for ConnectPlex today and start connecting with the people who can help your business succeed!

TJN Construction Group is a family-owned and operated construction business with over 30 years of combined experience in the industry. Based in Merrylands, Australia, the company has grown significantly since its inception as a two-man operation, while maintaining its tight-knit culture and commitment to quality. With a specialized team and a focus on providing the best possible outcome for their clients, TJN Construction has successfully completed a wide range of projects, from residential renovations to large-scale commercial developments. The company takes pride in its no-corner-cutting approach and has established a strong reputation for delivering high-quality construction services. They have a proven track record of managing a high turnover residential portfolio and have worked with large multi-national corporations. TJN Construction is now looking to expand their services to include government and council tenders, solidifying their position as a trusted and versatile construction partner. With a strong team and a client-focused approach, TJN Construction Group is well-equipped to tackle projects of all sizes and complexity.

TJN Construction Group is a family-owned business that has been in the construction industry for 30 years. We started small, with just a few people, and have grown into a successful company with a team of experts. We're proud of our work and have the support staff to make sure our projects are done right. We've worked on all kinds of projects, from small homes to big businesses, and we want to help you with your construction needs. We're now looking to work with government and council projects. Follow us on Instagram to see our work! @tjnconstructiongroup

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