Education Management - Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
TNC International Group is one of the top international education consultancies based in New Zealand. We are skilled in providing the best services for prospective international students. Our head office is located in Auckland with two branches in Wellington and Christchurch. Our education consultants and licensed immigration advisors aim to provide the best service for clients in overseas study. We are a diverse company and welcome people from all over the world!! Our specialised education consultants are more than happy to answer all international students' enquiries. Our professional knowledge and rich experience in New Zealand Education Sector has seen us supporting a great number of young people to start an amazing journey in this beautiful country. Our main goal is to establish a reliable service that will help every international students to reach their academic goals in their study abroad and endeavor to provide a satisfying service and solutions to all our clients. Over the years, we have managed to establish a solid reputation in serving our clients from all around the worl. We are dedicated to each student by suggesting a customised study plan which includes English language programme and study pathways to tertiary education. Our mission is to offer a satisfying experience and a perfect overseas study journey in New Zealand to all our clients.领航国际教育服务中心(新西兰), 是新西兰各大院校直属市场招生代理。专业留学服务机构,专注新西兰留学服务,专一服务留学生!领航国际教育汇聚专业留学咨询规划顾问,先后有超过20名留学顾问通过新西兰教育部特许中介培训课程考核,是新西兰教育部认可的专业留学服务机构之一。自成立以来,领航国际教育教始终坚持以专业敬业,热诚友好,认真负责的工作态度服务每一位留学生。多为学生办实事,提供中(国内申请阶段)新(国外留学阶段)双向细致满意的一条龙服务是我们的服务基准!专业高效的服务,认真负责的态度,广受好评的口碑,是你选择领航国际教育的信心保证!一份申请,对于我们,只是一次成败,但对于学生来说,却可能影响其未来的一生。我们肩负着每一位学生和家长的每一次重托,必将全力以赴,认真负责地办理好每一份申请!尽职尽责去帮助和指导每一位学生!领航国际教育必将是你值得信赖与托付的新西兰留学服务专家!저희 TNC 는 뉴질랜드에서 공부하고 일하며 살고자 하는 분들께 풍부한 경험을 바탕으로 다양한 길을 제시하고 있습니다. 본사는 오클랜드 씨티 중심, 퀸스트릿에 자리하고 있고, 웰링턴과 크라이스처치에 지사를 두고 있습니다. 공인 법무사와 교육 자문가들로만 구성된 저희 TNC 직원들은 유학을 원하시는 고객님들께 최선의 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.