Management Consulting - Whittier, NC, US
Toedt Health Solutions, LLC provides cutting edge strategies and solutions to allow clients to improve the individual experience of care, improve the health of populations, and reduce the per capita costs of care. Our approach maximizes access to high quality, culturally competent, patient and family centered care, and ensures provider satisfaction and retention. The founder, Dr. Michael Toedt, is a board-certified family physician with extensive healthcare leadership experience at the national, regional, and local levels. Toedt Health Solutions, LLC provides expert consultation in broad areas of health system leadership, health IT and applied clinical informatics, graduate medical education, and federal and state healthcare policy.Areas of Expertise➢ Healthcare and Public Healtho Population Health and Public Healtho Clinical and Preventive Serviceso Medical Staff Leadership and Healthcare Governanceo Patient and Family Centered Careo Rural Healtho Managed Careo Healthcare for special populations (especially American Indians and Alaska Natives, Military, and Veterans)o Federal and state health policy➢ Health IT and Medical Informaticso Healthcare Information Technologyo Clinical Quality Measuremento Electronic Medical Record selection, optimization, and transformation➢ Public Healtho Performance Managemento Facilitatoro Baldridge Excellence Frameworko Tribal Consultationo Dashboarding➢ Graduate Medical Educationo Developing close relationships and partnerships with academic institutions,o Education and training programs to enhance the quality of care provided to patients and communities.o Deep understanding of the inter-dependence of patient care, education and research, and recruitment and retention.o Fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion.
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