Marketing & Advertising - Singapore, , Singapore
Tokenspeed is a technology company in the field of advertising that integrates the blockchain industry and becomes a venue to invite devplover technologi blockchain.Tokenspeed is an asset token that uses blockchain waves as a solution for internal paymentof advertising platforms, trading systems, reward lease nodes with the aim that users cangain ease in making payments and transactions.We want to bring cryptocurrency to the masses, meet the needs of its users and providesmooth access to crypto services with an integrated system. With an integrated system anduser-friendly features, tokenspeed aims to be the most easily liked and easy to understand.We are ready to accept the changes, and are ready to innovate at any time. To achieve thatvision, TokenSpeeed devised a strategy and implemented it in the following steps: Provide user needs through a one-stop service. Reward users for the support and information available. Build a place, where cryptocurrency users and our clients can meet. Write the token as needed. Expanding customer networks by providing high quality services. Improve the security of system. Adopt the best innovation.