Apparel & Fashion - Vernon, California, United States
Established in LA since 2004, we are specialized in producing high quality, designer inspired, on trend, vegan leather handbags at affordable prices. We have our own factory in China, capable of producing over 200,000 units of handbags monthly. We keep minimum inventory of 300,000 - 400,000 units in our 80,000 sq.ft warehouse in LA. From everyday handbags, to on-the-go wallets, credit card holders, and date night clutches, we have you covered. Our China's factory and its products have been certified by multiple international organizations, including BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative), WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production), ISO 9001, GRS (Global Recycled Standard) and OCS (Organic Blended Content Standard). We are vertically integrated company, enabling us to control all aspects of design, production, operations and delivery. Designed in sunny Los Angeles, our in-house design team specializes in product development and design for private labels as well as trend research to deliver a best-selling product assortment that stays true to your brand identity. We own three brands for women fashion handbags: Alyssa, Kayla Ava and A.O.T.A.
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