Non-profits & Non-profit Services - , ,
Tower Hamlets Friends & Neighbours is an independent charity with over 60 years' experience of working in Tower Hamlets to support older people.\\Our experienced and trained team of befriending workers and volunteers help isolated and vulnerable people who do not have family or friends that can support them regularly. The people we help are often over 80 or in their 90s and most have a long-term health problem or disability and limited mobility. Over 60 of the people we visit have dementia. Some of our befrienders also speak Bengali, Hindi, Somali and other languages which are spoken by the people we support, who often do not have English as a first language.\\Our services reduce social isolation and loneliness, promote physical and mental well-being, and help people to get all the support they need to stay as independent as possible.\\Core befriending service\● Home visits and phone support\\Additional services\● Information provision and signposting\● Support with accessing health and social care services\● Advocacy and enabling of self advocacy\● Consultation and involvement\● Escorted one-to-one and group outings and events\● Activities in the home\\For more information contact us at\\Join us also on Facebook and twitter @THFNbefriending\\THFN UK Registered Charity Number 1099403.