Construction Machinery - Bedford, Bedford, N/A
TRACTO-TECHNIK UK is one of the leading suppliers of Trenchless and No Dig technologies in the UK. The company is best known for its GRUNDOMAT Mole which has set the standards for hole-boring around the world. Other products include:• GRUNDODRILL HDD RIGS• GRUNDOPIT MINI DRILL RIGS• GRUNDORAM• GRUNDOBORE• GRUNDOBURST• GRUNDOCRACK• GRUNDOCOREThe company prides itself on its German pedigree of engineering excellence and ensures it provides customer support to match. As well as holding a comprehensive supply of parts, there are fully equipped workshops in the Bedford HQ - which is the European Servicing Centre for Rock Drill Heads (excluding Germany & Switzerland) - and in Cheadle. Both locations also provide world-class training courses for the industry including the brand new EUSR accredited HDD course.
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