Government Administration - , ,
It gives us immense pleasure to extend to you a most cordial invitation to participate in the Campus Recruitment Program of the Rajasthan Technical University, Kota. Our Institute holds the pride of place being pioneers in the field of engineering and technical education in the state and has a glorious heritage. We have been continuously ranked among the elite by our peers and our constant pursuit of excellence has made our institute a focal point in technical education for students and faculty members alike. HideAt RTU, Kota we take care in grooming our students according to the needs of the industry. We seek to open frontiers of knowledge and reveal new horizons of change, to broaden mindsets and to create positive attitudes in our students. Our students get a lot of industrial exposure by their frequent industrial visits. Besides, our undergraduate students undergo an eight-week training in their summer vacations in reputed industries/institutions/organizations, as part of their academic requirements. Please feel free to contact our Training & Placement Office should you require any further information/assistance. Looking forward to a mutually beneficial relationship.