Education Management - , ,
Want to change the world? So do we! We've decided to start with changing education. Transforming Education, Inc. is committed to finding alternative ways to educate the curious minds in our community. We recognize that the way people learn has evolved, and therefore the way we educate them must evolve too. Every journey starts with the first step and this is ours. We dream that our journey will lead us to many opportunities to educate, challenge and engage our community. These opportunities take many shapes and here is a brief list of some of the things we are working on: *After School Clubs and Tutoring *Seminars and Workshops for all ages *Continuing Education for professionals (CEU's) *Online Courses *Working with Scouting groups for educational badges/patches *Creating community partnerships to enhance learning (local Camps) *Offering supplemental courses to enhance homseschool learning *Offering educational products *Consulting/Coaching with K-12 and Higher Education . Our Vision is: We see an engaged community where everyone is eager to pursue a life of learning. Our Mission is: The mission of Transforming Education, Inc., is to educate and inspire all curious minds through offering vibrant, brain-based, community oriented enrichment opportunities. Explore our website and let us know what you think! Join our cause and change the world! For more information, please feel free to contact us at