Internet - De Kwakel, North Holland, Netherlands
Triberfile is a newly developed tool to learn about your own communication profile and that of others. Triberfile improves knowledge and information transfer on individual, group and collective level for more effective communication. TRIBERFILING IN A COMPANY Knowledge management is a vital element in the development of an individual and an organization. When you need to collaborate, in a project group i.e., do you know exactly how the other team members absorb and process information, or do you just rely on your intuition? By using triberfile you're making conscious use of communication and information. Why Triberfile? Being aware of our own personal learning style and knowing how we best fulfil our information needs is vital. Share your profile with others. Get to know each other's preferences. How do they like to receive and share information? Adapt your style of communication according to who you're speaking or writing to. Watch our infomotion at and join us at @triberfile or send an email to