Luxury Goods & Jewelry - Beijing, Beijing Shi, China
Founded in 2011, Trilateral Club Co. Ltd. is China's first high-end concierge and lifestyle consultancy that targets high net-worth business leaders to provide a variety of luxury lifestyle-related products and services, fulfilling both professional and personal needs.The Company offers a unique platform upon which movers and shakers from all walks of life gather to share wisdom, optimize resources, enrich experiences and appreciate life. Trilateral Club also provides a one-stop-shop service for luxury lifestyle products and services featuring private aviation, luxury yachting, overseas real estate, art & auction, precious stones & high-end jewelry, bespoke goods & collectibles, safety & security consulting, high-end education & training, travel, healthcare services, etc. Trilateral Club – your passport to the very best life has to offer, provided with comfort, culture and class.成立于2011年,「三边俱乐部有限公司」是一家致力于新型高端服务为主要业务方向的多元化公司,是中国首家主打功能性的国际化企业领袖会所。我们关注于中国高净值企业领袖,并为客户提供全方位尊贵礼宾服务以及生活方式咨询管理,为客户量身打造最周到、最适合、最奢华的商务以及个人生活方式产品与服务。我们的业务包括商业及娱乐会所、保全服务、精英教育咨询、艺术品投资、收藏及拍卖、高端休闲和医疗旅游、线上奢侈品媒体等。「三边俱乐部」以注重高品质生活,追求资源整合的精英人群为目标市场,推广具有前瞻性的「高生活方式」概念,创造真正高品质生活,并为尊贵会员在个人、家庭及商业方面创造更大成功提供广阔的平台及丰富的资源。