Construction - Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Welcome to "TRINITY ELECTRICALS", an exclusive one stop solution providers for all types of Electrical Services. We are well known and established Electrical Contractors in business for more than two decades, completely engaged in various fields of Electrical Services. We are well equipped and professionally managed, Navi Mumbai based Electrical contractors. Our objective is to provide quality Electrical Services to all our customers.We undertake electrification of Shopping Malls, Multistoried Buildings, Residential Towers, Commercial Complexes, & Industrial Projects. We provide all types of Electrical components and Erection services to our clients starting from H.T. (Upto 66 kV) & L.T. Electrical Erections, Industrial / House Wiring, Electrical Designing, Energy Audit, Liasoning Work, Annual Maintenance Contracts and Repairs.Here at TRINITY, no domain remains unexplored and every detail is looked after minutely. We have the capacity to provide service anywhere in India and look forward to satisfy the demands of the client.