Staffing - Downingtown, PA, US
TripleScreen Search & Staffing, LLC is a specialized recruiting agency led by employment experts who have helped shape the Delaware Valley's technical community. Years before the lucrative dotcom boom attracted generalist recruiters to the field, the specialists at TripleScreen connected technical talent to job opportunities throughout Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey. Today, we consistently rank among the top technical recruiters in the tri-state area with an unbeatable hire rating.We use our 3-Screen™ process to identify candidates who possess the right technical background, soft skills, and corporate values for the job. In other words, we take the time and effort to find the right candidate for you, your company, and your job opening. As a result, we have relationships with Fortune 500 corporations lasting 10+ years and close ties to thousands of people in the area's IT community that date back a decade or more. Over the years, we've developed open, long-term relationships with candidates and an in-depth knowledge of the region's impressive business community. We treat candidates with as much respect as our clients, providing full client disclosure and honest feedback after every interview – no B.S. We prepare you for every interview. And, we work hard to get you what you deserve.Whether you are a high-tech start-up, a mid-sized pharmaceutical company, or a multi-million dollar financial services corporation, TripleScreen can fill all of your technical positions.
MX Logic
Microsoft Office 365