Architecture & Planning - Tucker, Georgia, United States
Welcome to Triumvirate Design, we are small residential architectural services firm located in Atlanta, Georgia. The services we offer range from new construction and renovations to landscape design (not installed), interior design and owner representation services.To state that we are small is an understatement, we offer services based on the concept of "Architect when we want to" this doesn't mean that we can not or will not meet deadlines that you need; it just means that if you need plans in a month we are not the firm for you.Typical project size will vary based on complexity, timeline and location. However if the project is too large or too complex we will refer you to our parent firm which is a full service architectural firm with a recommendation.Stating that Triumvirate is located in Atlanta, Georgia is a very important statement for us. Local projects will be definitely be simpler for us to accommodate your needs, however we will do projects in Northwest Ohio/ Southeast Michigan and within a hour an a half drive from Seaside, Florida. Again if you heart is set on using our services in a location that we do not service exceptions can be made or we will refer you to our parent firm.All that being said, we are very proud to offer services that are realistic, fair and satisfactory to your dreams, needs and wants. With over 15 years of experience in the architectural and construction industry we hope that you will allow us to participate in you next construction experience.
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