Information Technology and Services - , ,
你是否在尋找讓你得以實現腦袋裡的天馬行空的工作空間? 你現在的工作遇到coding瓶頸卻求助無門嗎? 你擔心下一份工作讓自己的技術裹足不前嗎?訊真科技是一家美商軟體公司,專精於研究與開發Cloud Computing, Mobile Application, Business Intelligence, In-Vehicles Infotainment, Telecom Value-Added Solution等極具市場競爭力的領域之產品/專案。我們在台灣接近百人的規模中,沒有複雜的公司制度,也沒有沈重的人事包袱,有的不過就是都愛寫程式,都愛分享技術的熱忱。 訊真科技著重的技術包括:JAVA, JSP, Struts, J2EE, Hibernet, Erlang, Angular, Jersey, Bootstrap, jQuery, Linux...等。 如果考慮轉職的你只懂上述技術的一部分,我們仍然歡迎你來與我們談談;而如果剛畢業的你什麼都不懂,但Computer Science底子扎實,我們會培養你。藉由大型系統專案的磨練,前瞻性產品的開發,你絕對有機會在最短的時間內累積大型系統架構的技術與經驗。如果你是受夠了只把Java寫在小application上的熱血青年,歡迎你與我們一同以Java創造更多可能! 一位訊真夥伴這樣分享:『地基打的深,樓房才蓋的高。這裡從不會有疊床架屋式的專案執行,只有在這裡,你會真正了解什麼是基礎,什麼是程式開發,什麼是分散式系統,什麼是才是好的架構。』另外一位同仁說:『你可以盡情地發揮學校所學的知識,你可以不停地學到學校沒教的經驗,更棒的是,這一切都有人付錢。』這是什麼意思?來了就知道! TrueTel Technologies is an international start-up company with headquarters in Silicon Valley, USA and an R&D center in Taipei. We specialize in building the next generation platform to deliver applications and services of converged communications services. Our expertises include IP Telephony, AIN/IN, VoIP, WAP, and OSS. We are familiar with standards and APIs including SS7, H.323, SIP, MGCP, JTAPI, PARLAY, and JAIN. Our software technologies are based on state-of-the-art distributed object oriented environment such as Enterprise Java Beans and CORBA. We target carrier-grade communications services providers as our customers and will explore the revolutionary IP communications market in the global space. We don't just offer jobs; we offer an opportunity that you cannot afford to miss.
Route 53
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Amazon AWS