Investment Management - Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
We are TrustLine – a leading Equity Research and Business Analytics firm specializing inPortfolio Management Services (PMS). We track and studies about 900+ in mid and smallcap companies as part of our investment research. TrustLine, over a period, has heavilyinvested in developing the core areas of operations, such as Research, Client InvestmentManagement and a robust IT infrastructure to provide unmatched value and service to ourclientele.We are a company with a single mission :- to deliver superior long-term returns to ourclients. We are managing over Rs.350+ Crores of AUM for over 375+ highly satisfiedclients from Top managements of the Indian IT companies ( Wipro TCS, Infosys, Cisco)This makes us among the top 20 discretionary portfolio managers in India, with industryleading performance.We launched our flagship product "Intrinsic DeepValue Fund" in 2007 post SEBIregistration and the product has created huge value for our clients by delivering closeto 27.29%+ Annualized returns since inception ( our fund has outperformed BSE small capby a wide margin of 17.76%+ in this period) . It has obtained 14X+ returns over the sameperiod of timeAt Trustline, we think long-term with our main goal being wealth-creation for our trustedclients. Our "Intrinsic Series" is a long term wealth generation PMS, which typically work ascompounding machine with focus on Capital Preservation and provide Market-beatingreturns, typically in a span of over 3+ years in the Indian equity markets.Over the years we , at TrustLine, have gained rich domain expertise by focusing andspecializing in Portfolio Management Services (PMS). Unlike our competition , we are aunique firm focused only on PMS . This sets us apart and gives us a competitive advantagein the PMS space... For more details visit our website: