Information Technology & Services - Brisbane, California, United States is a private Health SMP, currently focused on sexHealth, to better inform before engaging with 1st time & non-exclusive partners. The service facilitates p2p transparency between new sex partners as well as maintaining *relevant* partner notifications through a connected crowd of partners. The service allows to create your own personal health profile that is both anonymous and private. it enables you to 1. Create your anonymous, private health-status profile.2. Share your profile with potential sexual partners, when you want, in a safe, secure way to mutually verify STI/STD health status, test documents.3. Receive future notifications of recent partners' new risk exposures. Current Status: Working Beta / Users test groups, pre "go to market"Target Audiences: 18Y-23Y College Students, LGBT at urban centersGo to market strategy: Partnering with STD Lab Testing Clinics to reduce Customer Acquisition Cost and accelerate users growth at the initial phase.