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TUC Media is a media, market and research platform focusing on Chinese logistics and supply chain market. TUC provides business-to-consumer and business-to-business marketing services, business intelligence & research services, and information & financial services via an online and offline network. TUC is the most popular destination for Chinese logistics and supply chain management people and organizations to obtain and exchange information and financial resources, in the world's fastest growing e-commerce and logistics market.运联传媒是以媒体为重要能力和入口,结合社交化手段和互联网技术,以大数据驱动的,国内首家为物流人服务的互联网平台。秉承"思想驱动变革,创新改变行业"的理念",运联传媒为物流人提供媒体、数据和服务。在媒体领域,我们为物流人提供最好最新的内容,帮助物流人在快速变化的商业环境中及时掌握市场的脉动,准确把握商机。同时,为物流人提供活动众创平台,创造五联互通。在数据领域,我们为细分市场领先企业、投资机构、咨询机构提供最高端、最专业的物流业数据和研究,每年推出行业最权威的排行榜和年度发展报告。在服务领域,我们通过平台,为物流人提供精选的营销、培训和咨询等专业服务。
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