Management Consulting - , , | Speaking Engagements | Keynotes and Seminars Featured presentations include: * Memory Mojo - Put Your Brain On Speed Dial! Instantly improve your ability to remember the information you need. Remember lists, numbers, dates and appointments, names and faces, and even remember where you parked at the mall or at the airport! In addition to enhanced memory skills, your group also benefits from improved personal effectiveness, increased confidence, and higher productivity. * The MAGIC of Change: Change Management Essentials for Emerging Leaders Joe M. Turner combines real-world change management experience (Accenture, Bank of America) with other-worldly magical and theatrical skills to create a unique blend of entertainment and insight. In "The MAGIC of Change," Joe presents an easy to follow and apply change management toolkit for new (and existing) leaders in your organization. If your organization needs to respond positively to change and thrive in the process, your leaders at all levels can benefit from these ideas. * Thinking Like a Magician: Creativity and Magical Problem Solving Discover how thinking like a magician can unlock and unleash your team's creative problem solving potential. Magicians approach problems in different ways to achieve what appear to be impossible results. Where did this kind of thinking come from? Why is it important? Can others learn to approach problems with that kind of creativity? How can that approach help your team or your organization? Those are the questions that form the backbone of this interactive, fun, and memorable presentation. Joe's extensive corporate training experience gives him an edge in adapting presentations to changing situations or needs. If you have a particular topic or theme that could use some extra emphasis, let Joe work with you to frame your message in magically entertaining terms that will enhance both receptivity and recall.
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