Publishing - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Vision StatementThe Turtle Island Journal of Indigenous Health is dedicated to fostering respectful collaboration and the co-creation of knowledge within the field of Indigenous health. Grounded in traditional teachings and an Indigenous scholarly lens, the Journal aims to enhance our understanding of Indigenous peoples' health and its many interconnected contributing factors such as the Land, culture, healthcare and education. The Journal honours all Indigenous ways of knowing, whether they flow from Turtle Island or other homelands, and presents scholarly research that is clearly informed by these ways of knowing. The Journal offers a forum for dialogue and knowledge translation between academia, Indigenous communities and broader society. The Journal has an interest in transformative, participatory and Land-based methodologies, but will accept a wide range of work provided the relationship with Indigenous peoples' health is clearly described. It aims to be a home for graduate student research, particularly research conducted in partnership with Indigenous communities.Established in 2019 by graduate students at University of Toronto, the Turtle Island Journal of Indigenous Health is a collaborative project run by an expanding network of graduate students and Indigenous Knowledge Holders across Canada. The Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at University of Toronto are the current caretakers of the open access peer-reviewed Journal, which is a companion to the International Journal of Indigenous Health.Mission StatementTo foster respectful collaboration and the co-creation of knowledge within the field of Indigenous health, and to provide a forum for dialogue and knowledge translation between academia, Indigenous communities and broader society in such a way that honours all Indigenous ways of knowingInstagram: @tijih_uoftTwitter: @tijih_uoft