E-learning - Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Tutor Bot is an interactive vocabulary learning tool which generates dynamic learning material. Initially built as a chatbot, Tutor Bot is now available as a mobile app too. \It is like an ubiquitous home-teacher who helps students to keep up with offline lessons. With, Tutor Bot they can choose the textbook they wish and start learning it. Meanwhile, students can adjust the training in accordance with their topic preferences, learning pace and study material complexity. \Tutor Bot relieves the boredom of language acquisition while it generates its own learning material based on world literature, considering the most common language textbooks. This means, it turns any content into a learning material.\Thanks to its human-like personalisation, Tutor bot entertains learners and enriches the training with funny jokes. It communicates with them and gives them the feeling of having a 24/7 alive teacher by their side.
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