Design - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Providing new or established tech/media companies creative direction or manage the creative possibilities for their brand, new media, design and art teams. Through years of experience working with multiple teams, projects, platforms, art styles and genres, enable serving clients needs ranging from all types of large scale businesses to private company needs. Below are a list of just some of the past work that has been done and services that can be provided. Data Art Design- Creative solutions to data visualization and development- Mobile and tablet UI/UX design and layout- Marketing and advertising planning and branding- Data info-graphic visualization and design- Visualizing big data to easily understandable info-graphics- Designing out of the box applications with heavy industry applications- Multi-platform UI/UX responsive design- User story generation and design documentation and outlines for UI/UX- Consulting on design best practice, staffing, and user designConceptual Art- Character design- Environment design and layouts- Automotive/Hardware/Ship design- Game design and layouts- Film design and layoutsIllustration- Industrial/ Architectural design and layouts- Graphic novels- Stylized print and large scale media illustration Graphics- Building media layouts- Advertising in print and web- Logo design and branding- Web design consulting