Staffing & Recruiting - , , – The Only Job Search Site for Designers In theory, recruitment for designers should be a straightforward affair. Other professions you need to trust what they claim in the CVs. But for designers you can just look at their portfolios. But reality presents a very different picture. Very often, due to the modus operandi of existing job search avenues, designers are filtered out based on their written CVs, not their work portfolios. Only the ones called for interviews get to present their portfolios. If they are not the right fits, both parties move on to the next. This tedious process is repeated until an offer is made. pools designers and their portfolios at one place, and lets employers filter through their portfolios first with a multitude of perimeters before arranging for interviews. This reduces the process to only two final steps for employers, ie interview and make an offer. It is quick and yet it ensures higher quality as it reaches out to passive job seekers. For designers, it is efficient and more importantly, it is unbiased. Their work is the first filter. Not language, not CV writing skills. The motto of is simple -- Let Designs Represent Designers.
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