Legal Services - New Delhi, Delhi, India
We endorse ‘Access to justice', a basic principle of the rule of law, having its history traced back to the Common law system under Henry II in the 12th Century. The concept of ‘access to justice' took roots when the King agreed for establishing a system of writs that would enable litigants of all classes to avail themselves of the King's justice. But soon, the abuses of ‘King's Justice' by King John, prompted the rebellion in 1215 that led to the Magna Carta which became the initial source of British constitutionalism. What it represented then and now is a social commitment to the Rule of Law and a promise that even the King is not above the law.In the absence of access to justice, people are unable to have their voice heard, exercise their rights, challenge discrimination or hold decision-makers accountable. With the blog, the goal is to bring to the common people, what a particular judgment or a law would mean for them. The idea is to critically examine the judgements and/or provisions of law which have far reaching consequences for the people of India. ‘Access if justice' is not just enabling a person to move court or to provide legal aid, but on a larger scale, is also the jurisprudence being developed in a particular socio-political scenario, which would have an impact on exercising one's right for anyone in India.The blog was developed by three of us as an to bring to the fore the critical analysis of a judgments of any court of law in India or any new statute/provision of law being brought into force, with the aim to spread awareness in order for people to enjoy their legitimate right of ‘access to justice'. The analysis shall be, as far as possible, based on legal and constitutional intervention in the light of humanistic, egalitarian and progressive approach. The ultimate goal is to develop an atmosphere where people are free to critically analyse, engage and discuss the laws that are being passed by our courts of law as well as the Parliament.