Higher Education - Tyumen, Tyumen Oblast, Russia
According to the order №314 issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation on 25th March 2016, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University (TSOGU) has been renamed as Industrial University of Tyumen (IUT). Industrial University of Tyumen is one of the largest research and educational complexes in Russia, which includes all the level of higher education. Today there are more than 36,000 students of the university, including more than 1,400 foreign students. There are academic laboratories with up-to-date equipment, multimedia classrooms, sci-entific, creative, and sports clubs and sections, modern dormitories, canteens and cafes, library-information center, and reading rooms, health and recreation center in the center of Tyumen, sanatorium located out of town, training center, and many more at the service of students.IUT has more than 45 cooperation agreements with the universities and companies around the world. Strategical partners are: University of Houston(USA), French Institute of Petroleum (France), China university of petroleum (China), Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany), Hokkaido University (Japan), University of Stuttgart (Germany), Clausthal University of Technology (Germany), TU Dresden (Germany), University of Maribor (Slovenia), Petroleum and gas University of Ploiesti (Romania), National Mining University (Ukraine), Kazakh-British Technical University (Kazakhstan) and others.The university alumni are employed by the largest companies:«Gazprom», «Gazpromneft», «Transneft», «Rosneft», «LUKOIL», «Weatherford», «Halliburton International», «Schlumberger», «Baker Huges», «КСА Deutag Drilling», and others.
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