Education Management - Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
We are a team of Experienced Engineers turned Educators who wish to revolutionize the way learners are thought. Our major focus lies in educating them with creative techniques that will enable the betterment of the individual. Yes, Tyute is here. Smart Tutoring is here.We currently cater to the following courses:1st grade - 7th gradeMATHEMATICS | SCIENCE | SOCIAL | ENGLISH | HINDI | ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES8th grade - 9th gradeMATHEMATICS | PHYSICS | CHEMISTRY | BIOLOGY | SOCIAL | ENGLISH | HINDI10th gradeMATHEMATICS | PHYSICS | CHEMISTRY | BIOLOGY | SOCIAL | ENGLISH | HINDI11th GRADE - 12TH GRADEMATHEMATICS | PHYSICS | CHEMISTRY | BIOLOGYCET | COMEDKMATHEMATICS | PHYSICS | CHEMISTRY | BIOLOGYIIT-JEE | NEET | AIEEEMATHEMATICS | PHYSICS | CHEMISTRY | BIOLOGYENGINEERINGAPPLIED MATHEMATICS | PHYSICS | CHEMISTRY | ELECTRONICS | ELECTRICALSThese are some of the services provided by Tyute. We will add many more courses as we scale up