Civic & Social Organization - Kallangur, Queensland, Australia
We use the term University in the medieval sense of a community of like-minded scholars, pursuing shared interests under the guidance of a ‘tutor‘ who may well be a student themselves. Subjects can be academic, general interest or hobbies. In case you were wondering, there are no exams and no homework. just the joy of learning.The Third Age refers to the life period of active retirement. This is a time of creativity and learning for older people. It follows the first age of childhood and formal education and the second age of working life.There is no entry requirement for membership of U3A, and no distinction in status between tutors and students. Most tutors come from within the membership. They tap great reservoirs of learning and experience amongst members who by tutoring classes, pass on their knowledge for the benefit of all.In addition to the educational aspects, U3A provides the platform for comprehensive physical and social programmes. Activities include exercise classes, choir, band, archery, theatre and bus trips.Being in your third age is the only criterion needed to become a member. No educational qualifications are required. There is no restriction in age or residential address.All the leaders and committee people give their time to their U3As voluntarily. Being a mutual self-help organisation, the costs of running U3A are kept very low.
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