Research - Los Angeles, California, United States
The Global Lab for Research in Action (Global Lab) pursuesevidence-based solutions to critical health, education, & economicchallenges around the world.Through a gender lens, we focus on hard-to-reach populations andunderstudied, critical issues like intimate partner violence and sexualhealth.We don't stop at the research. We translate and amplify findings broadly- through podcasts, documentaries, op-eds, & policy briefs - to informpolicy, improve programs across the global South and North, and shift thepublic conversation.Our rigorous, innovative research leads the way to bold new solutionslike decriminalizing sex work, engaging boys alongside girls to advancegender justice, and reframing stories about women's work and worth.Partnerships fuel the Global Lab's work. As an interdisciplinary hub, wecollaborate with non-profit organizations, governments, academics,policymakers, impact-driven companies, funders, students, and evenfilmmakers.Together, we conduct research, study and evaluate programs, andprovide our expertise to help develop interventions, strategies, andservices that improve the lives of individuals around the world.