Publishing - , ,
Mission Statement: To ensure that South African people, particularly in KwaZulu-Natal are well informed, educated on matters pertaining to broad development issues, socio-economic and political aspects. Vision: We intend to be the best indigenous IsiZulu commercial newspaper in KwaZulu-Natal and South Africa. Values: Our values are under-pinned by the following: -Political Impartiality and non-partisan -Promote culture of ubuntu and family values Professionalism and independence - Integrity - Objective and Responsible Reporting - Transparency Objectives -To create very needed employment opportunities for the youth of KZN. - To participate and help transform our rural and urban areas from zones of under-development and crime to tourist destinations, by encouraging and promoting projects or programmes that are aimed at developing their lives. - To promote literacy in South Africa. - To promote tourism as job creation sector - To promote the growth of small businesses, free enterprise and co-operatives - To become active participants in developing South Africa economically and intellectually through language preserving. - Disseminate a much needed on technical skills training and prospective job market. UKHASI NEWSPAPER TARGET MARKET ◾Race Group IsiZulu Speaking Community ◾Age Group Youth and adults ◾Sex Males and Females ◾Level of Education Literate Citizens ◾Social Class LSM 1-4