Real Estate - , , UK
- A media helps marketing your UK properties, bridging you with investors/buyers. - Who is UKLEJU?UKLEJU(英伦乐居)means ‘Happy Homes in the UK' in Chinese.We're an online platform which providing most up to date property insight and latest development news to our Chinese speaking audience.While acting as a professional property platform, we also providing various activities in China and the UK to be more engaged with our Chinese speaking audience.What's our mission?Property + LifestyleNow the team starting a brand new platform – UKLEJU, to provide not just professional property knowledge but also aim to enrich our Chinese speaking customer's day to day life in the UK. We aim to engage with Chinese speaking customer more, from their first need when they arrived in the UK till settle down in the country. From their children education, immigration to investment and lifestyle, we establish a close and trustworthy relationship with them. This is how we make us unique and unreplaceable.Our teamWith members who has over 20 years property experience and also a professional team with past experience operating for Sina Overseas Properties UK, who proudly enjoying top 5 online traffic ranking in China. With years of experience working with UK developers/agency, hosting various property exhibition in China. We have the most amazing combination to make this portal stay young and professional for our valuable customers.UKLEJU「英伦乐居」是一个提供英国房产投资和生活资讯的优质平台。拥有20多年英国房产经验的专业团队,为您打造欧亚大陆零时差服务!现办公室主要集中在伦敦,上海,香港。英伦乐居能做什么? 团队创建于1992年,在英国房产界有多年实战经验。以及并与众多英国开发商、中介商保有良好的合作关系,能第一手得到最新房源及房产消息!中国团队能为您在国内零时差提供最新房产讯息;英国生活团队会定期更新英国生活最新的资讯,让您不会错过英国各样节日活动留学移民英国等相关介绍。英伦乐居常年在英国及国内举办各式活动,包括地产高峰会、高端酒会、房产工作室,甚至是户外活动、体验英伦乡村生活等。让您的英伦生活绚丽多彩!合作伙伴合作伙伴招募中,无论您是媒体、移民、还是留学 、 旅行…等,英伦乐居欢迎各方面优质团队与我们联系,拓展各式合作关系。欢迎来电详谈:0207-228-8281(英国);400-821-0713(中国);微信号:ukleju
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