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UNDEF/NE,国内极具融合性与体验性的新兴创意媒体平台。我们坚信高质与 有趣的原创内容, 以及独有新意的聚会体验,旨在将那些有关于创新生活的创造 力聚合,拉近人群,相容互补,来激 发出新的计划与可能性。每三个月为一期,我们会从一个灵感出发,并以创意活动、视觉影像、文字对谈 的方式,在我们的 线上媒体平台,以及线下实体空间内,去激发新的对话、交互、 审美,以及生活方式。我们的线上媒体平台,旨在传播有关全球创新生活方式的原创内容,而线下 400 平实体空间内, 是以最为有趣与创新的展现形式,来传达有关创意、设计、当代 艺术与新兴生活方式的新理念, 让更多人能以亲身体验与参与互动的方式来创造 属于自己的生活方式。成立半年,目前 UNDEF/NE 已拥有超过 100 位来自全 球各地的创意者资源,以及三个创意项目品牌。UNDEF/NE is a creative and lifestyle media platform based in Shanghai. Our ambition is to bring the freshest and most talented creatives together. Every 3 months, we are issuing a new volume dedicated to an inspiring concept or topic. Using multimedia to cover the latest about events, visuals and art presented through online media and offline spaces, we want to spark people with funky conversations, interaction, taste and lifestyles.We are creating expressive content to promote the most unusual lifestyles through our online media platform. Our 400 square meters offline space presents a unique area, housing ideas, design, contemporary art and the concept of innovative culture. We want people to feel inspired to refine ideas after experiencing UNDEF/NE and interacting with our projects.Founded last year, UNDEF/NE has already more than 100 artists from all over the world and 3 influential innovative projects in its portfolio.