Information Technology and Services - Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
A LEAN TEAM OF PROBLEM SOLVERSCollectively, at Unicus Interactive we have more than 50 years of experience under our belts in our respective areas of expertise. Each of us brings a unique perspective to the table.We win awardsMicrosoft Solution Excellence Awards. This award recognizes our talent for delivering intelligent, beautiful, usable solutions for our clients.We are not simply a web agency; we are a digital solutions agency driving innovation and results for our clients. Our work practices and services offer the most intelligent, creative, and results-focused solutions to the clients.We strive for customer satisfactionWe work to ensure that exceptional customer experience is at the core of our culture and instill this in everything that we do. We provide a dedicated Relationship Manager to each new client and place emphasis on face-to-face meetings either on-site in client offices or in our office.